practices for Peace and Wellbeing during Challenging Times

Sundays: Jan. 19th, feb. 16th, March 16th 2025

10:00am - 12:30pm

location: Westport Growth Center

4104 Central Kansas city, Mo. 64111

Cost: Registration for the whole series $175

Join Laura Mead for this exploration of practices designed to help us find our own reservoirs of peace and wellbeing. We will learn what is going on physically and emotionally when we feel stressed and anxious. We will discuss steps we can take to regain peace and deepen our awareness into wisdom. This class series will include meditations, energy practices and visualizations to enhance relaxation and focus, which when cultivated, naturally help bring us into contact with wellbeing, no matter what is going on around us.

The reason we are calling this class "Embodied Wisdom" is that we are not recommending that in order to find peace or wellbeing we need to "drop out" of the world to escape its problems, but rather, when we find our center, we are in the best place possible to deal with anything we encounter. Having and using a variety of tools to maintain center and balance will help us contribute to our world and ourselves in positive ways.

There are no prerequisites to join this class, all are welcome. But registration is limited, so sign up soon to reserve your space.


After registering, please proceed with payment via the button below

“A whole new world has opened to me thanks to Laura’s gift of intuition and ability to teach. Everything she teaches, she does with great care to ensure it has stood the test of time and aligns with the latest in science. It’s a blessing and privilege to be one of Laura’s students.”
— Annette Stahl, Designer and Realtor