***Please read this to get information about the free and paid content offered on my Vimeo Page***
Lecture overview about meditation - A sampling of content available on Vimeo
My Vimeo page has a number of different guided meditations as well as full classes which explore both the theory and practice of a number of types of meditation techniques. There are a number of audio only and video content available there free for you to explore.
There is also a Meditation Series held on Facebook Live from the Spring of 2020. This free class contains lectures and meditations to cultivate qualities of the heart and accessing peace and wellbeing no matter our circumstances.
In addition, Laura has other showcases which contain Premium Paid Content. These can be accessed by emailing Laura at LauraMead108@gmail.com or submitting the form at the bottom of this page. These showcases have a suggested sliding scale fee, you are welcome to pay whatever works best for you.
Current Premium Content:
1. Meditations for the Heart and Mind: This showcase contains 50 guided meditations, some video and some audio only format. There are a variety of meditation techniques to cultivate, stillness and single pointed focus. There are also a number of meditations designed to cultivate qualities of the heart; lovingkindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity. Fee: $75-$100.
2. 2020 Fall Meditation Series: This was a class that was held via Zoom from October through December of 2020. This class series contains lectures, theory and guided meditations on Shamatha (calm abiding single pointed focus) practice as well as the 4 qualities of the heart: lovingkindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity. Fee: $100-$125.
3. 2021 Winter Meditation Series: Zoom sessions in which Laura Mead addresses practical matters of how to incorporate meditative stability in daily life and provides guided meditations. Fee: $100-$125.
To purchase premium content please fill out the form below or email: LauraMead108@gmail.com. Please note whether you are interested in obtaining access to #1-Meditations for the Heart & Mind #2-2020 Fall Meditation Series and/or #3-2021 Winter Meditation Series.
To access my Vimeo page, please click here