Hiking across the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in Chase County, Kansas.
A native of Vermont, Laura moved to Kansas after falling in love with the Flint Hills. She was formally introduced to meditation in 1986, and after experiencing the benefits became a regular meditator. Over the years, she has been authorized by a number of teachers from different traditions to teach a variety meditative practices.In addition, she became certified as a meditation instructor in Cultivating Emotional Balance under the instruction of Drs. Alan Wallace, Paul Ekman and Eve Ekman. Laura regularly offers meditation classes nationwide. For current classes, please check here.
As a way of maintaining her own meditative stability and expressing creative energies, she engages in artistic pursuits involving polymer clay and natural fibers.
Laura also collaborates with her husband, Dave Kendall - a documentary film producer - serving as the creative consultant on projects produced by their company Prairie Hollow Productions.
Laura and Dave enjoy their daily walks around the labyrinth, which is the first stop on the prairie portal walking path.
Bhakti, our canine companion, also enjoys walking our loop.